Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Buildcraft is a great mod for lazy miners.

You can make a quarry and mining wells and auto crafting tables.
There are pipes an they can transport any items.
?=Cobble, Stone, Gold, Iron, Wood, Obsidian, Diamond, G = Glass, -=Nothing

Each of these pipes have a purpose:
Cobble and stone have basic purposes but the cobble and stone won't connect! You must do cobble  + cobble or stone + stone or stone  + gold or something.
Wood pipes can suck items out of chests if the wood pipe is powered by a redstone generator (see below).
Obsidian pipes can suck up items off the ground and its range is increased if hooked up to a generator.
Gold pipes will speed up the items going through them if the pipe is powered by redstone. This will last 16 pipes but you can increase that by making the pipes after the speed boost be Stone Pipes.
Iron pipes are directional. You can change which direction the items are going in with a wrench.( see recipe below.) If you have the Technic Pack you can use a Philosopher's Stone.
Diamond pipes can sort out items. It will sort out using its inventory.
There are 3 types of generators: Redstone, Steam, and Combustion. Redstone just requires a redstone torch, steam requires redstone and fuel, and combustion needs fuel and water (to cool it down).
There are many types of gears, like Wood gear and Iron gear. All these are used only for crafting. You can craft a gear like this:
X = Sticks, Ingots, Cobble, Gold, or diamond. Y = The gear one level below the one you want to make. If you were making an iron gear, X would be Iron and Y would be stone. With wood there isn't anything in the middle.
The better the gear, the better the thing you can craft is.
For instance, Quarry is:
And Wrench is:

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